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•   Steven Simmerman (1969)  10/9
•   Troy Seele (1982)  10/4
•   Phil Johns (1983)  10/3
•   Candi Pastor (Harrison) (1968)  9/27
•   Kayla Gill (2005)  9/25
•   June Clawson (Alberts) (1974)  9/21
•   Richard Vianco (1969)  9/12
•   Katelyn Folmar (2023)  9/11
•   Randall Replogle (1974)  9/5
•   EmmaRose Milburn (2022)  9/4
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6 live in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
29 live in Arizona
4 live in Arkansas
5 live in Armed Forces Europe
38 live in California
18 live in Colorado
5 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
85 live in Florida
26 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
52 live in Illinois
1,946 live in Indiana
8 live in Iowa
7 live in Kansas
13 live in Kentucky
4 live in Louisiana
6 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
19 live in Michigan
7 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
18 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
3 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
6 live in New Mexico
6 live in New York
18 live in North Carolina
2 live in North Dakota
35 live in Ohio
8 live in Oklahoma
13 live in Oregon
4 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
2 live in Rhode Island
20 live in South Carolina
5 live in South Dakota
29 live in Tennessee
46 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Virgin Islands
16 live in Virginia
19 live in Washington
9 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Alberta
3 live in Ontario
2 live in Australia
1 lives in Belgium
1 lives in Cambodia
1 lives in China
1 lives in Colombia
1 lives in Czech Republic
1 lives in Ecuador
1 lives in France
6 live in Germany
1 lives in Guatemala
1 lives in Iraq
1 lives in Ireland
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in South Korea
2 live in Mexico
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Philippines
2 live in Sweden
1 lives in United Kingdom
5,222 location unknown
3,514 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

 Welcome to the Oracle Alumni Website

This website has the potential of bringing many past graduates the ability to communicate with their classmates who they may have not spoken to in years.  It also can aid in the planning or ignite class reunions either by class or by a group of classes.  It can reunite teammates, band members, and various other school groups and bring back memories of elementary days, middle school days, and high school days from the playground to the school plays.  The most important attribute would be to enhance a feeling of pride and cohesiveness between the school and community.  Mellencamp's "Small Town" and Springsteen's "Glory days" express the nostalgia of times past but this website can bring the reality of reminiscing with your classmates about your school years.

Delphi Opera House & Delphi Preservation Society

is looking for members!

Check out the awesome new online version of the high school's Parnassus.  Parnassus advisor Amy Tonsoni and her kids have done a fabulous job.  Click here  and follow them on Twitter @dchsparnassus


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