Mrs. Granville Hubbard, 60, well known lady of this city, died at her home in South Delphi Sunday following a heart attack. Surviving are the husband, a daughter Mrs. Harriett Mc- Cully of Toledo, a son, Earl of Delphi two sisters and four grand children. Anna Amelia Gist was born December 19, 1871, the fifth, child of Newton Hervey and Harriet G. Gist, ta Delphi. Carroll county, Indiana. Her entire life was spent to Delphi where she entered and was graduated from the Delphi public schools. Her marriage to Granville W. Hubbard was solemnized on October 2, 1895. In February, 1896 she joined the Baptist church of Delphi and was an active member in all duties of the church until her death. To her were born four children, Harriet M., Mary F., Newton H. and Earl G. of which Mary F. and Newton H. have preceded her to the great beyond. Her entire life was marked by her devotion to her home, family, and husband, but in between she always had time to aid the planning or to the execution of any church, lodge or social event of any organization she was affiliated with. She was a member of the Governor Morton Circle. G. A. R., Pythian Sisters and Rebeccas, of which she was active in their work untll a few weeks before her death, when sickness prevented her taking any part. She is survived by her husband Granville W. of Delphi, daughter Mrs. Harriet McCully, Toledo, Ohio and one son Earl O. of Delphi, and two sisters, Mrs Eva Flickinger of Toledo, Ohio and Mrs. Pearl Thomas of Ft. Wayne, Ind. and four grandchildren Betty Jane Mc- Cully, Shirley Ann Hubbard. William Robert Hubbard, of Toledo, Ohio and Marlyna Jean Hubbard of Delphi. At three-thirty on the morning of May 8, 1832 death quietly and peacefully stilled the steps that had so conscientiously and steadfastly carried on as a friendly and helpful neighbor, as a dutiful wife and mother and as such her entire life had been spent. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Delphi Baptist church. Mrs. Mabel Fraser sang accompanied by Mrs. Mary Smith. Rev. Paul Beck, pastor of the church, officiated assisted by Rev. William Grant Smith. Burial was made in the Masonic cemetery.
Delphi Journal May 12, 1932